BAQUACIL® Calcium Hardness Increaser


Granular used to raise calcium hardness in pool water. Also compatible with chlorine and bromine pools.

  • 3.5 lbs.
  • 9 lbs.
  • 16 lbs.
  • Case of 8 (3.5 lbs.)
  • Case of 4 (9 lbs.)
  • Case of 2 (16 lbs.)

Calcium hardness should be between 180 and 275 for a BAQUACIL® Pool. Test water every week. 1 lb Calcium Hardness increaser per 10,000 gallons of water will adjust the level by 10 ppm in a 10,000 gallon pool. Broadcast product with filter running and retest in 24 hours adjust as necessary to achieve a 180-275 ppm calcium hardness level

Calcium hardness should be between 180 and 275 for a BAQUACIL® Pool. Test water every week. 1 lb Calcium Hardness increaser per 10,000 gallons of water will adjust the level by 10 ppm in a 10,000 gallon pool. Broadcast product with filter running and retest in 24 hours adjust as necessary to achieve a 180-275 ppm calcium hardness level

BAQUACIL® and Chlorine Systems

Soft water, no skin or eye irritation, doesn’t bleach, doesn’t affect pH